It is with utmost concern that I write down my dissatisfaction alongside many concerned Nigerians following your nationwide broadcast. First I must give you credit on some policies and tough decisions taken including the social interventions amongst others.
Your Excellency, no concerned citizen is happy with the direction of the country and because Nigeria is now sitting on a time bomb of protests that is capable of leading to anarchy, we expected your broadcast to carry more weight so as to calm the rising tensions imbibed on citizens and particularly the youth. 

Below are what the suffering Nigerians expected from their President and Commander In Chief: 
1. To look into the issue of Subsidy removal because it’s was the driver of our Current economic crisis as well as diesel and AGO. Also to boost measures of suppressing the price of petrol to further caution the growing market inflation. 
2. Drastically cutting down cost of governance: It is obvious that the masses can see the reckless and extravagant spendings by government officials and public office holders when they struggle to feed. 
3. Subsidizing agriculture: The Northerners are predominantly farmers and infact contributes extensively to the nations food security, thus, the administration ought to give the agriculture sector a priority. 
4. Improved measures on security challenges: Despite a problem you inherited from previous administrations, you owe citizens the right to know what measures are being taken to make insecurity a thing of the past. Tackling the insecurity that has ravaged and continues to ravage northern Nigeria particularly North- West must not be overlooked.
5. Addressing the issue of unemployment by creating more job opportunities. The destruction in Northern Nigeria especially Kano, Yobe Nguru, Jigawa Gumel, Kaduna Gombe and Bauchi States. This could be attributed to Joblessness and the number of out of school children in the region was the main cause of the vandalism in the region. Your various schemes        and Student loan to help alleviate part of these menace, hasn’t have enough sensitization for accessibility. In view is the 570 Billion Naira distributed to the 36 states as you mentioned, to cushion the effect caused by the current hardship, these interventions and grants must be effectively and fairly distributed to those in actual need. 
6. Tackling corruption at all levels of government.

Your Excellency, it is disheartening to note that your broadcast failed to adequately address these pressing issues. Instead, it focused more on political rhetorics. This has further deepened the frustration and disillusionment that many Nigerians are currently feeling.

As a leader, it is crucial for you to demonstrate empathy and understanding towards the plight of the citizens. It is not enough to simply acknowledge the challenges; concrete actions need to be taken to alleviate the suffering of the people. Most importantly, palliatives are not always the solutions as what is actually needed is a long term solutions to the issues. More so, people are suffering in silence looking at the Billions of Naira asides FAAC allocated to the State governments which we believe Mr.President must address and look into it because it's literally not being felt or seen by citizens.

Furthermore, the issue of police brutality to unarmed protesters is a major setback to democratic standings. Just like it was with the EndSars, This is a critical issue that has ignited nationwide protests and demands for justice and accountability and could still ignite instability. It is essential for the government to take immediate and decisive action in addressing police reform and ensuring justice for victims of police brutality.

Your Excellency, Lastly I implore you to listen to the cries of the people and respond with urgency and sincerity. Respond with decisive action. I am really concerned about the people flying another Country's flag too. This should be Investigated aggressively to avoid any further escalation. The future of Nigeria depends on your leadership and ability to address the pressing needs and aspirations of the citizens.

Nigerians have confidence in your leadership. We wish you nothing but success and the very best running the affairs of this country.

Your's Sincerely,

Mal. Mohammed Rabiu Bako.
Senior Citizen and Elder-statesman, Kaduna State.


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