Nigeria: The Challenge of Leadership

By. Barr Mohammed Sani Abbas. 13/05/2023
As we prepare to inaugurate new governments at both the federal and state levels, it is important we take a deep hard look at where we are coming from, where we are, and where we hope to be.

If we truly want to build a modern, democratic and progressive country, we must go back to the fundamentals. Without a doubt, you can not grow a nation whose level of poverty consistently increases. Our poverty level is too high!

The World Bank says that 70% of all Nigerians live below a dollar per day. This, in a country that is the 6th or 7th largest oil producer, is unacceptable and is a stain on our national conscience. I believe we must start by revisiting the fundamentals:
1. Rebuilding and strengthening our institutions.
2. Fight corruption 
3. Fight poverty 
4. Invest in infrastructure, 
5. Invest in agriculture, health, education, and technology. 
6. Dramatically increase our crude oil production to a minimum of 3 million barrels per day.
7. Invest in solid minerals.
8. Pay off our foreign debts and/or look at the possibility of converting the debts to equity in a new national carrier, building and rehabilitation of old railway lines and building new ones to link all parts of the country.
9. Improve our security situation - address the issue of insurgency and other forms of violence and insecurity affecting different parts of the country.
10. Increase transparency and accountability in governance.
11. Promote entrepreneurship and innovation to drive economic growth and job creation.
12. Encourage and facilitate foreign investments in key sectors of the economy. Incl the encouragement and supporting diaspora remittances.
13. Stop or reduce brain drain and encourage the return of critical professionals back to the country by giving incentives.
14. Address the issue of ethnic and religious divisions and promote national unity.
15. Strengthen the rule of law and respect for human rights.
16. Prioritize environmental sustainability and climate change action.
17. Improve access to basic amenities like clean water and electricity for all citizens.
18. Foster a culture of excellence and merit-based appointments in public service.
19. Promote regional integration and cooperation with neighbouring countries.
20. Encourage and support research and development in science and technology.
21. Foster a culture of volunteerism and civic engagement among citizens.
22. Strengthen and guarantee the total independence of the judiciary.

Barr. Sani Abbas is a very senior lawyer, investment banker and development specialist Submitted this paper at an interactive discussion  on the future of Nigeria.


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